View my film Enemy Lines

I’ve just found this online version of my film Enemy Lines that was made in 2008. The film, produced by FNA Films and directed by Michael Steel, was screened at festivals around the world in 2008/2009, including the prestigious Soho Short Film Festival in London. If you’re a director or producer and are looking for a script, do get in touch. For more on my film work see ‘screenplays’ above. To read the short story that this film was based on, download my short story collection ‘Different Tracks’. And if you’re none of those things, then simply enjoy!

Enemy Lines - short film

2 comments on “View my film Enemy Lines

  1. Chris Bambrough on said:

    An excellent film Fiona. Really powerful, strong and brilliantly understated.In not much time at all, it said a lot about stereotypes, prejudice & the effects of conflict on the mind. I loved it.

    • Fiona on said:

      Well thank you so much Chris. I’m assuming you tailed off on purpose rather than forgetting what it was it said a lot about 🙂

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