The Crime Writers’ Awards Dinner

This week I am back at my desk after a whirlwind week in London where I went to attend a gala awards dinner, hosted by the Crime Writers’ Association. The Jazz Files did not win the CWA Endeavour Historical Dagger award. It was pipped at the post by the very worthy Stasi Child by David Young. But what a fantastic night we had! A gang from my publishers’ Lion Hudson were there to cheer Poppy along and my husband, Rodney, came down from Newcastle with me. Here are some pics from the night. The one with my eyes closed is me waiting to hear the result …

Illustrious company. The Jazz Files alongside fellow nominees AJ Wright’s Striking Murder (wonderful book) and David Young’s Stasi Child (a worthy winner).
Me and editor Jessica Tinker in our flapulous 1920s gear. Photo courtesy of the very lovely Amy Boucher Pye from the Woman Alive Book Club who was also there to cheer us on.
And the winner is … not me!
Pride in the pride. Me with Lion Fiction editors Tony Collins who first commissioned the Poppy Denby series, and current editor the flapulous Jessica Tinker
Me and fellow Lioness Elizabeth Flynn, author of the D.I. Costello crime series.

2 comments on “The Crime Writers’ Awards Dinner

  1. eric goodfellow on said:

    Congratulations once again to my only favourite writer and do you look good all dressed up & need to get poppy’s new adventure

    • Fiona on said:

      Hello Eric! The new book is being launched tomorrow night at Blackwells Bookshop on Pilgrim Street if you’d like to come along. 6pm! Will be lovely to see you.

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