Inspiring Women – Fruit and Holiness

I know it’s already more than half-way through May, but I forgot to post this at the beginning of the month! Writing pal Claire Musters and I have contributed daily readings to the May/June Inspiring Women Everyday devotional booklet, published by CWR. Claire explores the theme of holiness in May and in June, I share ideas about how to apply the fruit of the Spirit to our daily lives.

You can buy the booklet in ebook or print here Inspiring Women Everyday

4 comments on “Inspiring Women – Fruit and Holiness

  1. Christine Lucas on said:

    I am a regular reader of CWR’s Inspiring Women and am currently enjoying your study ‘Friut that will last’. I am challenged by your honesty and the Word of God.. I am also glad to have checked out your website/blog and look forward to reading Jazz Files ( and afew skinny classics too). Thanks.

    • Fiona on said:

      Hello Christine,
      Thanks so much for stopping by. And yes, I’m busy reading Fruit that will Last as well – and being challenged all over again. We are all works in progress. I’m sure you will enjoy The Jazz Files (there’s lots of joy in there!) but perhaps you might also enjoy The Peace Garden. Although a novel, a lot of the themes I deal with in the Inspiring Women notes are lived out in that book. It too was inspired by things God spoke to me about through gardens.

      God bless you,


  2. Fola on said:

    Hello Fiona. I am enjoying the current CWR’s Inspiring Women May/June devotional. You have such a gift of making our walk as Christians real and attainable. I just had to reach out to let you know. Well done to both you and Claire Musters

    • Fiona on said:

      Hello Fola. Thank you so much for stopping by. I’m very glad you are finding the notes a blessing. They are still a challenge to me too. Reading about the older brother again last Thursday reminded me of a particular relationship in my own life where I’m feeling resentful. I need God’s love.

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