Writing workshop at Recreation Conference

I will be giving a workshop called Writing as Worship and Witness for the Recreation conference at TheHolyBiscuit this weekend. We will be exploring the relationship between writing and faith for Christians as well as getting down to business with paper and pen. The Holy Biscuit in my hometown of Newcastle upon Tyne is an arts hub supporting Christian artists and writers. I hope to start a Write Life group there this summer as a support network for Christians who write, affiliated to the Associtation of Christian Writers. As you may have noticed, I write for both the Christian and general markets. This can cause some difficulties as people like to pigeonhole writers as one of the other. I refuse to be pigeonholed and will be talking about this tension at the Conference.

2 comments on “Writing workshop at Recreation Conference

  1. Teresa on said:

    Hi Fiona…I love your work and your blog. Absolutely wonderful. I have always had a passion to write since I was in my early teens and would like to take a course in creative writing to polish my work and to gain more confidence. I write both Christian and Secular pieces and tend to write humorous/sincere life pieces in both categories. I see that you had a conference a few weeks ago but I am living in the United States; Southern California to be exact. Do you offer any other online courses? I would be over the moon happy to hear from you.
    Sincerely a fan of yours,

    • Fiona on said:

      Hello Teresa. Yes Newcastle upon Tyne would be a tad far to come from Southern California! But the good news is you can stay in the sunshine and do some of my online courses. I have two that might interest you: the first is a Christian writing course http://christian-writing-course.thecraftywriter.com/ and the second a general creative writing course http://creative-writing-course.thecraftywriter.com/. They’re both free. I also have a free non-fiction writing course http://non-fiction-writing-course.thecraftywriter.com/ Hopefully you will find something that suits you.

      God bless

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