Today is the 40th anniversary of the Soweto Uprising – 16 June 1976. That infamous point in history, when black school children demonstrated for the right to be taught in English, forms an integral part of my literary thriller The Peace Garden, about a young English girl who befriends a South African political exile. If you would like a ‘novel’ take on how that day 40 years ago impacted one family for three generations, this is the story for you. Click here to get the book The Peace Garden
36th Anniversary of Soweto Riots
Today is the 36th anniversary of the Soweto Uprising – 16 June 1976. That infamous point in history, when black school children demonstrated for the right to be taught in English, forms an integral part of my literary thriller The Peace Garden about a young English girl who befriends a South African political exile. If you would like a ‘novel’ take on how that day 36 years ago impacted one family for three generations, get hold of my book. If you’re still unsure, check out the reviews. It’s an e-book and only $0.99.