You can’t judge a film by its cover: Black Snake Moan

craig-brewer-black-snake-moanMy husband and I recently watched a film on his iPhone during a weekend away (both of us thought the other one was bringing the DVD for the hotel DVD player). After moaning about the size of the screen I finally settled down to watch the flick. It was called Black Snake Moan with Christina Ricci and Samuel L. Jackson, written and directed by Craig Brewer. The hubby warned me that the content was ‘raw’ but that if I stuck it out I would really enjoy it. He said it’s a lot deeper than it looks. Well true to his word, the content was very raw. Sex, swearing, nudity and domestic violence – not my usual content of choice. Without giving too much away, naked women and chains feature prominently. And yet, it turned out to be a bitter-sweet tale of redemption and one of the more ‘spiritual’ films I’ve seen in a while. This film speaks more eloquently of God’s love and forgiveness than most of the stuff you may be unfortunate enough to stumble across on the God Channel. I was also pleasantly surprised to see the Christian characters in the film portrayed as pretty normal folk and not self-righteous hypocrites. Afterwards I looked up the film on the internet and had a good laugh at the cover and poster. If I’d seen that before seeing the film, I doubt I’d have agreed to watch it. Just shows, you can’t judge a film by its cover. Nor, for that matter, a human being.

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