I’m delighted to announce that I will now be represented by Sara Keane of Keane Kataria Literary Agency for all my adult fiction. I’m looking forward to working with Sara over the next few years to take my stories to a wider audience.
I’m delighted to announce that I will now be represented by Sara Keane of Keane Kataria Literary Agency for all my adult fiction. I’m looking forward to working with Sara over the next few years to take my stories to a wider audience.
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Hi Fiona,
Congratulations on your new agent! I just read the snippet from your blog that was quoted in the Guardian– the one where you explain why you switched from self-publishing to an agency. My question to you is– was it worth self-publishing in order to be ‘discovered’ by an agent (and I understand that you put a lot of hard work in to the process)? Now that you’re in agent territory, can you share some tips with people like me who are searching for one?
Thank you!
Hi Tally,
Thanks for stopping by. In answer to your question I didn’t self-publish in order to be discovered by an agent. That was never my intention. I self-published in order to get my books to an audience. They attracted the attention of two publishers – children’s and adults – and I was then made an offer. I had to then weigh up whether it was worth going with the publishers and stopping self-publishing. I decided it was as although I felt I did a good job self-publishing, it was a huge amount of work and I would rather spend that time writing. So I accepted both offers. All of this without an agent. I had tried for years to get an agent and – after endless rejections – finally gave up on it. As it turned out I didn’t need an agent to get a publishing deal (actually two publishing deals). However, I have now reached a point in my career where I believe an agent will be beneficial to me. Not to get me that first publishing deal – I’ve already got that – but to take me to the next level. Agents can usually negotiate better deals than you can yourself. Also, agents can maximise the potential of your work by selling it to multiple markets – audio, foreign, large print etc. So, with my track record of already being published with two mainstream publishers, I approached an agent and she agreed to work with me. We’ve been together 7 months now and I’m pleased with the progress she is making on behalf of me and my books. (NB she only represents my adult books, I still represent myself for my children’s books). So in short, yes I am very pleased to now have an agent. My tip to you is to carry on looking for an agent, but don’t believe that you cannot be published without one. Some publishers do take un-agented work. Seek them out and submit your work to them. I would suggest you do this in tandem: submit to publishers and agents. See which door opens.