Young David book launch a fantabulous success!

I had a brilliant time at the book launch for my two new picture books, David and the Hairy Beast and David and the Kingmaker on Saturday. The kids were brilliant and really responded well to the storytelling. The adults appeared equally interested in Amy and my talk on our creative process. Loads of books were sold with some people buying up to four each! Thanks to everyone who helped and everyone who came. While the adults were listening to the grown up bit, the children were drawing their own versions of the Hairy Beast. Here are some of them:

A girl Hairy Beast (note the pink bow) by Megan Smith, 6 years old.
A smiley Hairy Beast by Harry Ridsdale, age 5 years.
A colourful Hairy Beast by 'can't read the name'. If this is your budding Picasso, let me know!

2 comments on “Young David book launch a fantabulous success!

  1. Mel Menzies on said:

    Perhaps you’d better sack your illustrator and use some of these budding artists, Fiona. So glad it went well for you.

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